Imperial Sun Party


The Righteous Nation Philosophy
Developed by party philosopher Reiji Mitsurugi, the Righteous Nation philosophy addresses the spirit of our political movement. Dedicated to bringing justice and peace to the world through strength, honor and respect, many of Japan's leaders have acknowledged it as a guiding force. A specific description of the priniciples is available here.

Strength and Guardianship

As demonstrated in the war against the totalitarian Theocratic movement in South Korea, the Imperial Sun Party stood behind its South Korean brothers, dedicated to achieving stability and peace in eastern Asia. While the war may have ended unfavorably, the ISP remains committing to protecting the sovereignty of people attacked by aggressive and hostile elements.

To accomplish this, the ISP and its leaders will always promote fiscally responsible expenditures on defense and related projects.


Decisions made by the Imperial Sun Party leaders are discussed, and where possible, voted upon to build consensus. Decision-makers are always identified, whether they are in appointed positions or elected positions. Dissenting views are heard, considered, and if valid, adopted. This aspect of governance is what bridges the gap between citizens and government, building trust and creating domestic harmony.

Preservation of Culture

The Imperial Sun Party strives to create an atmosphere in Japan that is unique in eRepublik so that the experience is more than simply an exercise in bookkeeping or war fighting. The strong sense of community fostered in eJapan helps those with an interest in real life Japan to learn something new as well. In the national IRC channel (#eJapan on, we often discuss current events in real life Japan or places of interest for visitors to Japan as many of us have been there before in real life. Please check out eJapan's IRC channel:

The ISP also strongly encourages other nations to do the same so that everyone may benefit from the exchange of culture and ideas possible in a social gaming experience like this.